Avoid Pain and Injury While Shoveling Snow

Winter weather can wreak havoc on your body. The American Chiropractic Association (ACA) urges you to follow these tips to help you stay healthy and pain free while shoveling snow:

  • Shoveling snow can cause pain and injury to your body, so be cautious; listen to weather forecasts so you can rise early and have time to shovel before work when the snow is lighter.
  • Shoveling can strain “de-conditioned” muscles so it’s important to do some warm-up stretching before you start.
  • When you shovel, push the snow straight ahead. Don’t try to throw it to the side. Walk it to the snow bank and avoid sudden twisting and turning motions.
  • Always remember to bend your knees to lift when shoveling. Let the muscles of your legs and arms do the work, not your back.
  • Take frequent breaks.
  • Stop if you feel chest pain, feel tired or have shortness of breath. You may need immediate emergency medical help.
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