Make Your Voice Heard: Help Veterans Receive the Care They Need
The Senate recently passed legislation that would further integrate the essential services provided by doctors of chiropractic into the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). In the House of Representatives, …
Nutrition Advice for a Healthy New Year
As you start the New Year, consider making a few simple changes in your diet and lifestyle that will result in better health and more energy. ACA recommends that …
Get Ready (and Warmed Up) for Outdoor Winter Fun
Winter recreational activities can cause problems for the outdoor enthusiast whose body is out of shape or who skips a proper warm-up. Before participating in winter activities such as …
Avoid Pain and Injury While Shoveling Snow
Winter weather can wreak havoc on your body. The American Chiropractic Association (ACA) urges you to follow these tips to help you stay healthy and pain free while shoveling …
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